SMARTHUB BILL PAY: Register or Login with User Name and Password to access your account.
ONE-TIME PAY NOW: Make a one-time payment without signing in to SmartHub.
Option 3: Automated payments can be accepted by calling 1-888-220-4814. You will need to have your account number and pin number to make payment.
Customer statements are prepared and delivered on or before the first of the month. The monthly charges for internet service, TV-service, and local telephone service are billed one month in advance. Long distance calls are billed after they are made. Payment for service is due and payable upon receipt. Payments made after the 15th of the month will incur a $10.00 penalty charge plus taxes.
Yucca Telecom Offers Many Payment Options:
Mail Your Payment
Yucca Telecom
PO Box 867
Portales, NM 88130
Make a Payment at Yucca Telecom
201 W. 2nd Street
Portales, NM 88130
Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.